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Three cases study to define a new approch to protect the city centre and Cultural Heritage from earthquake damage. In STABLE project (co-funded by the European Commission, carried out in the context of the HORIZON 2020 program supervised by EU Authority) consortium members focusing the attention on monitoring methods.

Keyword: Cultural Heritage, European project, Historical Centres


The cases study of Rieti (Italy), Strovolos (Cyprus) and Nauplion (Greece) are choosen for their specific geological characteristics and for their historical interest, but at the same time for their position, in a trait high seismic risk areas.  

In order to reach a seismic hazard assessment, the study of the sites followed specific steps:

  • description of the plate tectonics regime, faults and studies of their movements,
  • historical seismicity of the area,
  • seismic sources (models of the faults recognised in the area of interest). The modelling has been performed cautiously, taking into consideration all available geological, seismological, and geophysical data,
  • seismic microzonation mapping, a synthesis of data obtained from in-situ tests, detailed surveys, historical damage reports, etc. incorporating investigations at different scales.

To calculate the synthetic accelerograms for the regions, were initially conducted probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, then were calculated synthetic acceleration time series using the stochastic simulation methodology, getting the deterministic seismic hazard assessment by using specific software. Then all the information gathered will be processed in the open source GIS software QGis.

At the end will be achieved the seismic analysis of the different cases study, the time histories, that will be accesible, viewable inside a dadicated WebGis platform, like all the rest of the documentation (primary and secondary) data used and producted inside the project by the partners of the consortium.