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First STABLE Summer School

The First Summer School of STABLE has been organized by Frederick University between the 17st and the 27th of June 2019, in Nicosia (Cyprus).

The Summer School is an opportunity for Consortium members, PhD Students and Specialists in the filed to openly gather and exchange know how on the topic at hand.

During this summer school, topics like the seismic risk assessment of historic buildings, models for structural stability, damage assessment simulation tools, advanced remote detection, in-situ monitoring technologies, geotechnical risk and the use of WebGis applications for mapping and long-term monitoring of cultural heritage buildings where presented and discussed by all the participant in a productive conversation. Practical training where also held as part of the Summer School, in particular training with ERDAS Imagine photogrammetry and ERDAS Imagine UAV Detection softwares.

After the end of the Summer School, STABLE  partners met for a progress meeting, during which they discussed deadlines, secondments and technical issues.

Frederisck University Premises
Consortium Members during one of the presentations
Consortium Members during the ERDAS Training
On hand ERDAS Trainings