Our Goals
Monitoring and management of the Cultural Heritage
Transfer of knowledge thru synergetic plan of collaborations and exchanges of personnel
Support authorities responsible for cultural heritage preservation
Our Partners
ALMA Sistemi Srl is an Italian SME established in 2005 providing high level consultancy in the space and defence market for industries and research centres.
ALMA provides services in Project and Proposal/Bid Management, Business development, market analysis, System and Software Engineering in the frame of European Space Agency, European Union and Italian Space Agency programs.
Activities are carried out by Alessio Di Iorio, Managing Director and major stakeholder with the support of network of professionals engaged time by time on a project basis.
Il Centro promuove, coordina ed esegue attività di ricerca nel campo dei Rischi Geologici (frana, inondazione, inquinamento, sismico e vulcanico) e della Bonifica dei siti inquinati, sperimentando anche la messa a punto di metodologie innovative. Per realizzare i propri obiettivi il Centro sviluppa le attività su ricerche sperimentali, di laboratorio e di campo, e teoriche.
The National Technical University of Athens is structured according to the continental European system for training engineers, with an emphasis on solid background. The duration of courses leading, after the acquisition of 300 credit units to a Diploma, of Master’s level, is five years. The valuable work of NTUA and its international reputation are due to its well-organised educational andresearch system, the quality of its staff and students, and the adequacy of its technical infrastructure. NTUA graduates were pivotal to Greece’s pre-war development and to post-war reconstruction. The graduate engineers who staffed public and private technical services and companies were and remain by general consent, equal to their European counterparts. Many have been elected to distinguished teaching and research positions in well-known universities all over the world.
Frederick University (FU) is one of the four recognised private Universities operating in the Republic of Cyprus. It is an energetic and vibrant university, enjoying respect and recognition both nationally and internationally. It offers a broad range of academic programmes of study and has a strong focus on academic research, being one of the leading research organisations in the country.
“Space Systems Solutions (S3) Ltd” was founded in 2016, with the goal to provide engineering services, development and realization of space-borne and ground based technologies and systems including system engineering, software design and development, and mechanical engineering.
We conduct R&D activities related to scientific and technological issues, including spin-off and spin-in technologies.
We also provide education and communication activities related to scientific and technological issues.
GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS S.A. [GSH] was established in Athens in November 2009 as the newest member of GEOSYSTEMS EU GROUP Member (www.geosystems-group.eu) acting commercially as an authorized reseller for Hexagon Geospatial and Hexagon Airborne solutions, and as a consultant in Greece and Cyprus. [GSH] is working on commercial Environmental, Photogrammetrical, Remote Sensing projects and R&D projects for land management, crisis management and Spatial Data Infrastructure (INSPIRE Directive) implementations. [GSH] is a pioneer in introducing Information Technology using extensively modern, digital geodata capturing and data processing techniques for production of maps and geographic information systems.
Il Rettorato e gli Uffici Amministrativi dell’Università degli Studi della Tuscia di Viterbo sono ubicati nel complesso di S. Maria in Gradi (Via S. Maria in Gradi, 4; tel. 0761-3571). Il complesso di S. Maria in Gradi è stato per diversi secoli un convento domenicano. Eretto nel 1244 per volere del viterbese Raniero Capocci, notaio pontificio, è stato recuperato dopo importanti restauri condotti ad opera dall’Università della Tuscia a partire dal 1996.
Queste le Facoltà istituite ed attivate nel periodo 1980-2002: 1980 – Facoltà di Agraria, 1983 – Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature straniere moderne, 1987 – Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, 1990 – Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, 1991 – Facoltà di Economia e commercio, 2002 – Facoltà di Scienze Politiche
The Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), established in 1983, is one of the largest research centers in Greece with well organized facilities, highly qualified personnel and a reputation as a top-level research foundation worldwide. FORTH reports to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The Foundation, with headquarters in Heraklion, includes six Research Institutes in different parts of the country like Heraklion, Rethymnon, Patrasand Ioannina.
The research and technological directions of FORTH focus on areas of major scientific, social, and economic interest, such as: Microelectronics, Lasers, Materials, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biotechnology, Computer Sciences, Bioinformatics, Robotics, Telecommunications, Computational Mathematics, Chemical Engineering, Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Studies.